Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dear people, this is the survey I have made for you, one, because I thought the readers of my blog might like it, and two, because I am bored and don't have anything better to do. Please answer by leaving a comment at the end of the post.

1) If you were bored, what would you do?
a- read a book
b- go outside
c- drive the rest of your family nuts
d- continue to be bored 
e- none of the above

2) What would you do to avoid boredom?
a- make yourself laugh
b- do any random thing you want to
c- cry
d- you don't avoid boredom 
e- none of the above

3) Why did the chicken actually cross the road/
a- to get to the other side
b- because the ducks wouldn't do it
c- because it had to go to work
d- because it wanted to 
e- none of the above

Thank you for reading and completing my survey.
Hugs and Smiles,

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